The Hidden Costs of a Crowded Digital Showroom


The Hidden Costs of a Crowded Digital Showroom

How to Maximize Your Digital Footprint with an OEM-Branded Experience

A strong online presence is essential for any manufacturer when faced with common problems like moving inventory off dealerships’ lots faster. However, many dealerships build their digital showrooms to represent their multi-brand selection with many brands and, thus, many product options, leading to sales lost to their competition. Subsequently, brand identity becomes diluted, and new consumer purchases of your brand are fewer.

As a manufacturer, understanding these hidden costs and helping your dealerships streamline their digital showrooms can improve the overall customer experience and boost sales.

The Problem with a Crowded Digital Showroom

A crowded digital showroom can overwhelm customers with too many choices. When shoppers visit a dealership’s website, they seek a clear and straightforward path to finding the desired product. If they encounter a confusing array of options from various brands, they might leave the site and go to a competitor. This phenomenon, known as “choice overload,” can harm sales and customer satisfaction.

The Hidden Costs
  1. Loss of Sales to Competitors: An overcrowded showroom can cause customers to abandon their initial choice in favor of a competitor’s product. This often happens when customers are faced with too many options and choose a different brand that appears more prominently on the dealers’ website.
  2. Customer Frustration: An overloaded digital showroom with numerous options can lead to decision fatigue. Customers may become frustrated if they cannot easily find their desired product (e.g., their dream bike, fishing boat, family RV, or that next trailer to haul essentials), constantly bombarded with irrelevant action items (e.g., too many flashy buttons) or are overwhelmed with high options.
  3. Diluted Brand Identity: When multiple brands are displayed together without clear distinction, it can dilute your brand’s identity. Customers may struggle to recognize your products’ unique value, leading to a weakened brand presence.
Streamlining the Branded Experience

To create a seamless branded experience, ensure the dealership websites align with your manufacturer’s branding by deploying a synonymous brand experience across your dealer network. This includes using consistent colors, logos, graphics, and OEM-preferred product lines. These brand-exclusive digital spaces should reflect the same look and represent the manufacturer, providing a seamless experience from the start of the shopper’s search, whether they start at the OEM’s website or visit their local dealership online or in person​.

Leveraging Technology for a Better Experience

Partner with a strategic technology platform provider that can help you create and manage your unique branded experience. LeadVenture’s all-in-one platform allows seamless integration with dealer websites, offers robust customization options, and provides detailed analytics on customer interactions and conversions.


The hidden costs of a crowded digital showroom can significantly impact your brand’s visibility, sales, and customer satisfaction. You can avoid choice overload and strengthen customer engagement by streamlining the online experience and ensuring that your dealerships maintain a consistent, brand-focused digital presence. Implementing a dedicated, OEM-branded space within dealership websites enhances the customer experience, reinforces your brand identity, and drives sales. Partnering with a technology provider like LeadVenture can help you take control of your digital footprint, providing the tools and insights necessary to maximize your brand’s potential in the competitive online marketplace.