Protect Your Business From Cybercrime


Protect Your Business From Cybercrime

LeadVenture Shares Tips to Protect Your Business From Common Email Cyberattacks

In 2021, a cyberattack occurred every 11 seconds, setting a record for cybercriminal activity. Unfortunately, the future is on track to report similar numbers – if not higher.

We don’t share this news lightly or with the intent to alarm you. We want to ensure you have the knowledge and resources to mitigate cybersecurity risks and keep your business safe.

Cybercriminals often set their sights on busy organizations, hoping distracted employees will fall victim to their scams. To ensure this doesn’t happen to your team, LeadVenture encourages your business to practice these three steps habitually: StopLookThink. Take an extra moment to analyze every incoming email before interacting with its contents.

We’re sharing five examples of popular email cyberattack strategies, along with our recommendations to circumvent these attacks:

Claims of Membership Activity or Winning a Contest
If you receive an email that claims activity has occurred with one of your members or you won a contest or auction, proceed with caution – especially if this email is unexpected. Even if an email appears legitimate and innocent at first glance, it could contain malicious links. It could also be a veiled attempt to convince you to divulge private company information.

Before interacting with the email, ask yourself: Does this email reflect a credible membership, such as your Amazon account or online bank? Does this organization typically send you emails? Did you enter a contest or auction? If the answer is no, the email is probably fake.

You can verify the email’s legitimacy in other ways, such as by visiting the organization’s website from Google (NEVER click a website link from the email itself). If you have a membership account, log in to determine if any activity has occurred.

Out-of-the-Ordinary Emails from a Coworker
Expert cybercriminals are good at impersonating anyone, including your team members. This could look like an email from your manager asking you to send them a company password or make a large purchase with the company card.

If an email strikes you as abnormal (for example, the request is out of character or has nothing to do with your job role), don’t respond. Contact the individual in person or by phone to verify the request.

Business Email Compromise (BEC)
BEC means a cybercriminal has contacted you by impersonating a business, such as a vendor or a bank. Their objective is to gain access to critical information. BEC commonly targets sales and financial departments, but anyone could receive a BEC email.

Double-check any email from another organization, even if it claims to be from someone you regularly do business with. Before interacting with the email, directly contact the company to verify their identity and request proof of employment. If you suspect a cyberattack, follow company protocol to report the email to IT.

“Free” Offers to Stream Content
Streaming a show, movie, or video for free is usually too good to be true, and any email claiming to offer free streaming services should be treated with suspicion. Last year, many cyberattack emails included an invitation to stream new movies freely, but the link would direct users to a fake platform that extorted their personal and payment information.

To keep your information safe, avoid emails offering a free pass on paid subscriptions. This also applies to social ads and website popups. Visit the official website instead of clicking on the email or ad, and only stream content on credible sites.

Create a Company Plan to Avoid Cyberattacks
Keeping your business safe from cyberattacks is a team effort. It only takes one person to allow cybercriminals access to important information. Creating a company-wide plan will help employees stay on the same page and identify suspicious emails before it’s too late.

Every company’s cybersecurity strategy should center on awareness. Ask the fundamental questions when facing a potential cyber threat: Is this email out of the ordinary? Is it irrelevant to your department? Can you verify the email through your membership account, the organization’s official website, or customer service? If the answer is “yes,” report the email straightaway.

Even on your busiest days, look closely at every incoming email and follow the three cybersecurity steps: Stop, look, and think. It’s better to be safe than to be scammed.

Do you have concerns about your business’ cybersecurity? Please feel free to contact the LeadVenture team.